Dance is the hidden language of the soul.
- Martha Graham
Every person deserves the chance to dance. Every person deserves the chance to release the hidden language of their soul.
Providing a program or training to help facilitate this is our MISSION.
Movement Mentor© Adaptive Dance Program and Movement Mentor® Adaptive Dance Teacher Training and Certification are focused on providing an inclusive dance program for an existing dance school or teacher training for dance schools who have an adaptive dance program or would like to start one of their own.
Offering the program or training to any interested dance schools or dance teachers is our GOAL.
Two options are available depending on the school or instructor’s goals- licensing for the full program or training for instructors.
Movement Mentor®
Adaptive Dance Program-
Licensed and full program for children of varying abilities, partnered with peers for a one-on-one dance experience.
This unique class provides training in creative dance, ballet, and jazz basics to children with various developmental, behavioral, and physical challenges. Each student is paired with a student mentor from the presenting school's advanced level for a one-on-one dance experience. These student-mentor partnerships are for the entire school year and where available, they perform together in a final concert. Teachers trained and certified in the Movement Mentor curriculum teach the class. The class is provided free of charge to all participants. Where applicable, the class can prepare students to mainstream into the participating school’s
The culmination of the program is performing in the participating dance school’s performances. Mentors and students work with the instructor on a dance they perform together in costume, alongside the other dances presented by the school’s students.
After seeing her child perform in a Movement Mentor® class performance, one parent commented: “When I learned of my child’s health and physical complications soon after her birth, my dreams of her taking dance classes and performing onstage were dashed, so I thought. This program has given her and me, as her parent, this amazing opportunity for my daughter to live her dreams to the fullest, no matter what challenges she has.”
Advanced students at the participating school volunteer to mentor in the Movement Mentor® class. They understand it is not just a volunteer opportunity but an important commitment to the class and to their student. The first class mentors meet with the instructor only for training, and then within the first weeks of class, partnerships are formed. These partnerships remain for the rest of the school year, culminating in a performance. Often partnerships continue year to year as per the mentor and student’s participation. Mentors study learning styles and teaching methods while forming a cherished bond with their students. Mentors can receive volunteer hours for their service for school, church, etc…
Any student who is unable to participate in a mainstream dance class for any cognitive, developmental, physical, or emotional reason is welcome to participate, free of charge. Classes can be formed by age or set for various abilities, depending on the school and instructor’s decision and enrollment. The students not only receive the physical and mental benefits of dance; they are also participating in valuable peer interaction, developing friendships that can last for years.
Adaptive Dance Teacher Training and Certification
For any school or teacher who would like more in-depth knowledge in teaching dance to students of varying abilities, the Movement Mentor® Adaptive Dance Teacher Training may be the perfect fit. This option is best for schools/ teachers who-
have an established adaptive dance program but are looking for teacher enrichment
wish to begin an adaptive dance class
would like more information on working with students of varying abilities in mainstream dance classes
©Copyright 2019 Movement Mentor ® Adaptive Dance, Inc.